Thursday, February 19, 2009

143/365 - Jim - Stages of TP

( f/11 70mm 1/60 sec ISO 200 Nikon D300 )
While trying to come up with something funny to say for this, I wondered if anyone had any good public restroom stories. The last time I absolutely had to use a public restroom, the one stall was locked and the other ... let's just say it was as bad as your imagination can take you. As I was "laying down the groundwork" I heard a knock at the door. Apparently someone that worked there knew about the murder scene in there and told my wife to let me use the women's room. So she stood guard at the door as I headed into Buckingham Palace. Though I dodged a huge bullet, I was still scarred by the whole thing.

1 comment:

Carol said...

You have been saving this idea for awhile...hopefully you can keep coming up with orginal ideas!