Monday, August 24, 2009

329/365 - Jim - Grass Seed

( f/1.8 50mm 1/8000 sec ISO 200 Nikon D300 )
Jameson and I were playing in the back yard today. The grass in our mini garden grew so high it has seeds. I had Jameson hold one up so I could get a picture of it and have him all blurry in the background. He was less than cooperative as 2 year old boys tend to be. I was able to get him to hold it up, but he waved it around so much and I just got lucky with this shot. At 1/8000 of a second shutter, it froze like a deer in headlights. I got quite a few good shots while the sun was setting. It makes me wonder why I bother to shoot at any other time of day...


Courtney said...

good one!

joyce said...

This picture is so cool.
The grass is positioned perfect on the side of his face. I like the blurred affect.

cyn said...

really neat, keep up the good work. i'm not going to have anything on my computer to look forward to when your year is up, you'll have to vamp up the boys sites.