Thursday, August 27, 2009

332/365 - Jim - Parabolas

( f/22 10.5mm over 100 sec ISO 200 Nikon D300 )
I didn't know what to photograph tonight, so I looked at my email and found an article on fun light painting. I cut a piece of fishing line and tied it to an LED flashlight. Then tied the other end to the ceiling and used my fisheye lens directly below it. A good toss of the flashlight and then I opened the shutter with the cable release and let it go for at least a minute and a half. I think I would have gotten some better results with a rope that would go back to center faster than what fishing line did, but some of them turned out alright. Here are the best four.

1 comment:

joyce said...

I really think this is a cool picture even if I didn't know how to pronounce it.

If your as old as I am, it reminds me of the toy SPIROGRAGH that was sold in the 70's and it made designs like this.