Saturday, November 15, 2008

047/365 - Jim - Works on cows, not hackers

( f/11 70mm 1/160 sec ISO 200 Nikon D300 )
Theme is security. The Data Security group at work is having a poster contest. They want a photo and a slogan to raise security awareness. I fashioned this barbed wire out of an old hanger. It was not easy to do, which is why I only made one. I didn't have enough time to grind down the ends and make them sharp, so I hope you recognized what it was without reading this. I have a few other ideas for posters and hope one of them will win. There are some nice prizes.


Carol said...

Cool photo too. I hope you win as well...that would be fun, and make all the time fashioning the barbed wire worth it :)

Courtney said...

Will you enter this one? It is pretty cool, I like the slogan with the picture. What kind of prizes are there?

Some call me Tim said...

From one nerd to another, this was a great idea. Some people just have creativity built into their DNA. I think you should win something for this photo.

Jim said...

Yeah, I'll probably enter this one. Some of the prizes are: digital camera, 20" LCD monitor, and 2 Penguins tickets.